30 June 2015

'Over 184,000 global deaths each year' caused by sugary drinks

Sugary drink consumption in the US has increased significantly over the past 30 years, with around 50% of the population drinking the beverages daily. About Prandin (Repaglinide) Such drinks have been linked with greater risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Buy Furoxone (Furazolidone) with free prescription Now, a new study finds they may be responsible for more than 184,000 adult deaths worldwide each year. In 2010, sugary drink consumption was responsible for an estimated 184,450 deaths worldwide. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommend consuming no more than 450 calories from sugar-sweetened beverages each week - the equivalent to less than three 12 oz cans of cola. However, a 2011 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that males consume an average of 178 calories from sugary drinks daily, while women consume around 103 calories from sugary drinks each day. For their study, lead author Prof. Zebeta (Bisoprolol) without prescription Gitanjali Singh, research assistant professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy of Tufts University in Boston, MA, and colleagues set out to estimate the annual rates of global deaths and disabilities caused by sugary drink consumption. Their findings are published in Circulation - a journal of the AHA. The team analyzed 1980-2010 sugary drink consumption data from 62 surveys involving 611,971 people over 51 countries. About Betimol with no Rx Specifically, they focused on how sugary drink consumption affects the number of deaths from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. In their study, sugary drinks were defined as sugar-sweetened sodas, sports/energy drinks, fruit drinks, sweetened ice teas and homemade sugary drinks. Buy Lotrisone (Betamethasone / Clotrimazole) with free prescription They excluded 100% fruit juice. The researchers also gathered data on national availability of sugar among 187 countries during the 20-year period. Buy Eye Treatment online Overall, the data allowed them to assess how consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages varies by age, gender and population and how this impacts death rates. Prof. http://cholesterolreviews.wordpress.com Singh and colleagues estimated that in 2010, sugary drink consumption was responsible for around 184,450 deaths worldwide, with 133,000 deaths from diabetes, 45,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease and 6,450 deaths from cancer. The team found younger adults were more likely to experience chronic disease as a result of sugary drink consumption than older adults, which Prof. Singh says is a concern. "The health impact of sugar-sweetened beverage intake on the young is important because younger adults form a large sector of the workforce in many countries," he explains, "so the economic impact of sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths and disability in this age group can be significant." "It also raises concerns about the future," Prof. Singh continues. "If these young people continue to consume high levels as they age, the effects of high consumption will be compounded by the effects of aging, leading to even higher death and disability rates from heart disease and diabetes than we are seeing now." Reducing sugary drink consumption should be a global priority The researchers also found low- and middle-income countries had the highest estimated rates of sugary drink-related deaths, with around 76% occurring in these regions. Among the 20 most populated countries, Mexico had the highest rate of estimated sugary drink-related deaths, with 405 deaths per 1 million adults. The US had the second highest rate, at an estimated 125 deaths per 1 million adults. "Among the 20 countries with the highest estimated sugar-sweetened beverage-related deaths, at least eight were in Latin America and the Caribbean," notes Prof. Singh, "reflecting the high intakes in that region of the world." While there were wide variations identified in sugary drink-related deaths between different regions, the researchers note that most countries are affected. Senior author Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, also of the Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy, says: "Many countries in the world have a significant number of deaths occurring from a single dietary factor, sugar-sweetened beverages. It should be a global priority to substantially reduce or eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages from the diet. There are no health benefits from sugar-sweetened beverages, and the potential impact of reducing consumption is saving tens of thousands of deaths each year." In January, Medical News Today reported on a study suggesting girls who frequently drink sugar-sweetened beverages are more likely to start menstruation earlier than girls who do not consume sugary drinks. Written by Honor Whiteman

29 June 2015

New antibody treatment may protect against Marburg and Ebola viruses

New immune molecules have been identified that offer protection against Marburg virus - a deadly relative of Ebola virus. The above antibodies identify and neutralize Marburg virus, which inflicts a mortality rate of up to 90%. Nexium (Esomeprazole) with free Rx Image credit: The Scripps Research Institute Identified in 1967 among laboratory workers in Uganda who had handled infected animals, Marburg virus was the first of the class of viruses known as filoviruses - which also includes Ebola - to be identified. Buy Keflex (Cephalexin) with free Rx The most lethal strain of Marburg emerged in 2004, resulting in an outbreak with a catastrophic fatality rate of 88%. Naprelan (Naproxen) with free Rx The virus is known to have a mortality rate of up to 90%. With the world still reeling from the Ebola epidemic of 2014, there is renewed interest in the deadly potential of filoviruses and what treatments may be effective against them. Previously, researchers from The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA, had discovered the molecular structure used by the Marburg virus to attach itself to and enter host cells. Key to defeating the virus is identifying vulnerable sites on the surface of the virus that antibodies can bind to. About Balsalazide with free Rx Studies have found that certain "cocktails" of antibodies can raise an alarm to the immune system and block Ebola virus from entering new cells, so scientists have been investigating similar approaches to tackle Marburg virus. Earlier this year, the Scripps team reported some success at identifying antibodies effective against one site on Marburg in a study conducted in association with Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. About Myambutol (ethambutol hydrochloride) without Rx In the new study, the Scripps team designed proteins that elicited new antibodies effective against other sites on the virus. One of these targets was a site that had not been seen in previous studies of the virus. Buy Digestion for Pets online This new site is described as "a wing-like feature" attached to the virus at its base. http://cardiobloodreview.wordpress.com The antibodies targeting this site were found to be effective at protecting 90-100% of the mice in the study from lethal infection. The researchers report that the antibodies investigated in the study are also effective against Ebola virus and its four viral relatives. Antibodies could be used to diagnose Marburg and Ebola mutations The study s first author, Marnie Fusco, says that as both Marburg and Ebola are likely to acquire new mutations, "the cross-reactive antibodies could be used as diagnostics for newly emerging strains." Cory Nykiforuk, director of pipeline research of Emergent BioSolutions - who initiated the study with the Scripps team 6 years ago - says: "Understanding where and how the antibodies interact with the virus tells us which regions can be targeted and helps us develop lead candidates for clinical development. There are multiple filoviruses that threaten our communities, frontline medical workers and defense personnel, and bringing new technologies to the forefront could potentially help meet future requirements." Nykiforuk s predecessor at Emergent BioSolutions, Jody Berry, adds that the "high cost of creating independent vaccines or treatments for each of the different viruses in this family necessitates intelligent design of immunogens (antibody-inducing molecules). The molecular images used to design the molecules and evaluate the antibodies point the way forward." Last year, a study published in the open-access journal mBio found that filoviruses such as Marburg and Ebola edit genetic material as they infect their hosts. Written by David McNamee

28 June 2015

'Fracture risk' from SSRI antidepressants used for menopause

. About Persantine (Dipyridamole) with free prescription Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - a class of antidepressant drug used to reduce symptoms of the menopause - may increase the risk of bone fractures, according to new research. Some antidepressants are licensed to ease menopausal symptoms. The researchers publishing in a journal from The BMJ, Injury Prevention, scoured the PharMetrics Claims Database containing detailed information about 61 million patients in more than 98 managed care plans in the US. The results showed that the heightened fracture risk seems to last for several years. Buy CoQ10 Supplements online About Lopressor (Metoprolol) with free prescription Compared with women treated with indigestion drugs: The fracture rate was 76% higher among those prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) 1 year after starting treatment 73% higher after 2 years of treatment 67% higher after 5 years. The results have prompted the researchers to suggest that shorter treatment length may be preferable. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com Buy Medrol Active (Methylprednisolone) with no prescription SSRIs have become the third most frequently prescribed class of drug in the US, the researchers say. Buy Ceclor CD (Cefaclor) with no prescription The agents are often prescribed for nonpsychiatric disorders. They are used as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for hot flashes and night sweats typically associated with the menopause. Large study population For the study, the authors concentrated on the 137,031 women with no mental health issues and aged between 40 and 64 who started treatment with SSRIs between 1998 and 2010. These women were compared with 236,294 in the same age group over the same period but prescribed H2 antagonists or proton pump inhibitors, typically for indigestion. The SSRI drugs included citalopram, hyrdrobromide, escitalopram oxalate, fluoxetine hyrdrochloride, fluvoxamine maleate, paroxetine hydrochloride and sertraline hydrochloride. Paroxetine is used in menopause at around a third of the dose used for psychiatric disorders, for the vasomotor menopausal symptoms above. Atripla with free prescription It has a license for this indication from the US drug regulator. The authors conclude: "SSRIs appear to increase fracture risk among middle-aged women without psychiatric disorders, an effect sustained over time, suggesting that shorter duration of treatment may decrease [this]." The authors discuss reasons for the increased risk, saying the finding is consistent with a biological hypothesis that fractures associated with SSRI use can be "at least partially attributed to antidepressant-related modulation of bone homeostasis in favor of osteoclastic activity." In other words, antidepressants may alter bone turnover, shifting the balance from bone-strengthening to bone-thinning. This may result in "lower bone mineral density and higher risks of fractures." Written by Markus MacGill

27 June 2015

High-res image of Ebola virus reveals how it evades the immune system

. Buy Chromium Combo online y creating the highest resolution image of the Ebola virus to date, researchers from The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA, have identified a viral protein that helps the virus escape attack from the immune system, shedding light on how Ebola infection could be prevented. From a high-resolution image of the Ebola virus, researchers discovered how a viral protein called VP35 helps shield the virus from the immune system.Image credit: TSRI Senior study author Erica Ollmann Saphire, director of the Viral Hemorrhagic Fever Consortium and professor at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), and colleagues publish the details of their findings in the journal Cell Reports. As of 21st June, the World Health Organization (WHO) state there have been 27,479 confirmed cases of Ebola virus disease (EVD) worldwide in the 2014-15 outbreak and 11,222 deaths from the condition. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com Buy Imodium (Loperamide) with free Rx The vast majority of cases have occurred in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. While the rate of infection has reduced dramatically - with Liberia declared free of Ebola transmission back in May - researchers continue to work toward ways of treating the infection and preventing future Ebola outbreaks. Past research from Ollmann Saphire and colleagues in 2012 revealed how a viral protein called VP35 plays a part in protecting both the Ebola virus and the Marburg virus - both of which belong to the Filoviridae virus family - from the immune system. The team found that VP35 assists another viral protein, helping it coil and form a protein shell, known as a nucleocapsid. About Norvasc (Amlodipine) with free Rx The nucleocapsid wraps around the genetic material of the virus, preventing immune cells from attacking it. However, the mechanisms underlying this process were unclear, until now. VP35 stops the nucleocapsid assembling incorrectly Using X-ray crystallography to produce a high-resolution image of the Ebola virus, Ollmann Saphire and colleagues were able to see how VP35 helps the other viral protein build its defense. They found that VP35 stops incorrect assembling of the nucleocapsid. About Myambutol (ethambutol hydrochloride) without Rx What is more, the high-resolution image allowed them to see "side chains" - which they describe as atoms and structures important for drug design against a virus. "This higher resolution is critical for design of much-needed antiviral therapeutics," says Ollmann Saphire. Armotraz with free Rx "These structures provide the blueprints that we need to see key vulnerabilities to attack." Not only could these findings open the door to Ebola prevention and treatment strategies, the team says they could help tackle a number of other viruses. Reglan (Metoclopramide) with no prescription "The structure we revealed is likely conserved across all the filoviruses: Marburg, Sudan, Bundibugyo, Reston and Ebola," says Ollmann Saphire. First author Robert Kirchdoerfer, a research associate at TSRI, adds that the viral assembly information uncovered in this study could also be applied to Mononegavirales - an order of viruses that include rabies, measles and mumps. In May, Medical News Today reported on a study published in mBio in which researchers claimed to have identified an "Achilles heel" for Ebola virus infection. Study leader Kartik Chandran, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University, NY, and colleagues found that the Ebola virus is unable to infect cells without attaching to a protein called Niemann-Pick C1 first. Written by Honor Whiteman

26 June 2015

Could the magnolia tree could help combat head and neck cancers?

Head and neck cancers are responsible for the deaths of more than 20,000 people in the US every year, highlighting the need for new prevention and treatment strategies for the cancers. Buy Imodium (Loperamide) with free Rx Now, a new study reveals how a compound found in the bark and leaves of the magnolia tree could provide just that. Researchers say honokiol - a compound found in the bark and leaves of the magnolia tree - may be effective against head and neck cancers. Researchers from the Birmingham Veteran Affairs Medical Center, AL, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) found the compound - called honokiol - blocked a protein that drives tumor growth in squamous cell head and neck cancers, most commonly caused by tobacco and alcohol use. Senior study author Dr. About Norvasc (Amlodipine) with free Rx Santosh K. About Myambutol (ethambutol hydrochloride) without Rx Katiyar, of the Comprehensive Cancer Center and the departments of chemistry and dermatology at UAB, and colleagues publish their findings in the journal Oncotarget. The researchers note that honokiol is well known for its medicinal properties. Armotraz with free Rx The compound has been used in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine for the treatment of anxiety and stress for hundreds of years. In recent years, however, studies have indicated that honokiol also holds some anticancer properties, with researchers finding it prevents or reduces tumor growth in models of breast, skin, prostate and nonsmall cell lung cancers. Reglan (Metoclopramide) with no prescription For their study, Dr. Buy Chromium Combo online Katiyar and colleagues set out to see whether the magnolia compound may be effective against head and neck cancers. Honokiol reduced tumor growth in human cell lines, mouse models According to the National Cancer Institute, head and neck cancers - including cancers of the larynx, throat, lips, mouth, nose and salivary glands - account for around 3% of all cancers in the US. A protein called epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in around 90% of all cases of squamous cell head and neck cancers, the researchers say, making the protein a promising drug target. One drug already approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of head and neck cancers - Cetuximab - targets EGFR, as do some small molecule inhibitors, such as gefitinib (Iressa), that are currently under investigation for this use. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com But Dr. Katiyar and colleagues say there are some downsides to such drugs. "The poor response rates, toxicity and resistance of these drugs or inhibitors have limited their use as therapeutic agents for HNSCC [head and neck squamous cell carcinoma]," he explains. "Therefore, development of less toxic and less resistance-associated alternative treatment options is urgently needed." As such, the team assessed the effects of honokiol when introduced to human cell lines of a number of head and neck cancers, including cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, tongue and pharynx. The compound was also tested on mice that had tumors of these cancers implanted. In both the human cancer cell lines and mouse models, the researchers found honokiol was able to bind to and reduce expression of EGFR, which stopped the growth of cancer cells. What is more, the researchers found honokiol binds more strongly to EGFR than the drug gefitinib, suggesting it may be a more effective treatment strategy against head and neck cancers. Commenting on their findings, Dr. Katiyar says: "Conclusively, honokiol appears to be an attractive bioactive small molecule phytochemical for the management of head and neck cancer which can be used either alone or in combination with other available therapeutic drugs." Earlier this month, Medical News Today reported on a study detailing how another natural compound may have anticancer properties. Researchers from Canada revealed how avocatin B - a compound found in avocados - could help treat leukemia. Written by Honor Whiteman

25 June 2015

Experts call for dropping of total fat intake limits

Ahead of the publication of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, researchers have called for the US government to drop recommended restrictions on total fat consumption. The researchers state that healthful fats such as those found in nuts, vegetable oils and fish can protect against illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. The paper, published in JAMA is written by Dr. About Elocon (Mometasone) with free Rx Dariush Mozaffarian from the Friedman School of Nutritional Science & Policy at Tufts University and Dr. About Principen (Ampicillin) with no prescription David Ludwig from the Boston Children s Hospital. In the paper, the researchers discuss one of the new recommendations made by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee (GDAC), an independent group of scientists tasked with reviewing existing scientific and medical research on nutrition. A lot of recent debate has centered around the GDAC s recommendations that a diet higher in plant-based foods is better for the environment than one based more on meat and that taxing sugary snacks and drinks could improve diets. About Effexor (Venlafaxine) without prescription In their paper, however, the researchers focus on a recommendation that may be receiving less attention. For the first time since 1980, the technical report of the GDAC did not include a recommendation for the restriction of total fat consumption. About Anastrazole with free Rx "We wanted the emphasis to be on fat quality rather than total fat, because the evidence really emphasizes that saturated fat is the driver of risk rather than total fat intake," says Barbara Millen, chair of the DGAC. Dr. SleepWell () with free Rx Mozaffarian supports this, stating that placing limits on total fat intake has no basis and leads to poor decisions from both industry and consumers: "Modern evidence clearly shows that eating more foods rich in healthful fats like nuts, vegetable oils, and fish have protective effects, particularly for cardiovascular disease. Buy Celery Seed online Other fat-rich foods, like whole milk and cheese, appear pretty neutral; while many low-fat foods, like low-fat deli meats, fat-free salad dressing, and baked potato chips, are no better and often even worse than full-fat alternatives. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com It s the food that matters, not its fat content." When the dietary guidelines began to recommend low-fat diets, the consumption of low-fat and non-fat products increased. These foods often contain refined grains and added sugars that are associated with increased metabolic dysfunction and obesity. "Lifting the restriction on total fat would clear the way for restaurants and industry to reformulate products containing more healthful fats and fewer refined grains and added sugars," says Dr. Ludwig. 2015 Dietary Guidelines For Americans: a critical opportunity Alongside dropping restrictions on total fat consumption from the dietary guidelines, Dr. Mozaffarian and Dr. Ludwig call for the limit on fat intake to be lifted by numerous government agencies and food programs. One such program is the National School Lunch program that recently banned whole milk from its menus while retaining sugar-sweetened non-fat milk. Other targets include the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who regulate food package labeling and issue diet advice to families and children respectively. "From agriculture to food producers to school cafeterias to restaurants, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans serve as a beacon for countless dietary choices in the public and private sector," states Dr. Mozaffarian. "With obesity and chronic disease impacting public health so deeply, we can t miss this critical opportunity to improve the food supply." Not everyone agrees with this viewpoint, however. Lisa Moskovitz, a registered dietitian, told Yahoo Health removing restrictions on total fat consumption might not automatically lead consumers to follow balanced, healthy diets. "If there are no guidelines on how much fat they should be eating, there is a chance that they will eat more fat and, as a result, consume less high-fiber, whole-grain carbohydrates and muscle-preserving lean proteins," she warns. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will refer to the DGAC report when drawing up the final 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are due to be published toward the end of the year. "The USDA and HHS must use the 2015 guidelines to send the message that limiting total fat provides no benefits and actually leads to confusion and bad dietary choices," Dr. Mozaffarian concludes. A research letter published in JAMA recently revealed that more than two-thirds of Americans are estimated to be either overweight or obese. Written by James McIntosh

Experts call for dropping of total fat intake limits

Ahead of the publication of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, researchers have called for the US government to drop recommended restrictions on total fat consumption. The researchers state that healthful fats such as those found in nuts, vegetable oils and fish can protect against illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. The paper, published in JAMA is written by Dr. About Elocon (Mometasone) with free Rx Dariush Mozaffarian from the Friedman School of Nutritional Science & Policy at Tufts University and Dr. About Principen (Ampicillin) with no prescription David Ludwig from the Boston Children s Hospital. In the paper, the researchers discuss one of the new recommendations made by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee (GDAC), an independent group of scientists tasked with reviewing existing scientific and medical research on nutrition. A lot of recent debate has centered around the GDAC s recommendations that a diet higher in plant-based foods is better for the environment than one based more on meat and that taxing sugary snacks and drinks could improve diets. About Effexor (Venlafaxine) without prescription In their paper, however, the researchers focus on a recommendation that may be receiving less attention. For the first time since 1980, the technical report of the GDAC did not include a recommendation for the restriction of total fat consumption. About Anastrazole with free Rx "We wanted the emphasis to be on fat quality rather than total fat, because the evidence really emphasizes that saturated fat is the driver of risk rather than total fat intake," says Barbara Millen, chair of the DGAC. Dr. SleepWell () with free Rx Mozaffarian supports this, stating that placing limits on total fat intake has no basis and leads to poor decisions from both industry and consumers: "Modern evidence clearly shows that eating more foods rich in healthful fats like nuts, vegetable oils, and fish have protective effects, particularly for cardiovascular disease. Buy Celery Seed online Other fat-rich foods, like whole milk and cheese, appear pretty neutral; while many low-fat foods, like low-fat deli meats, fat-free salad dressing, and baked potato chips, are no better and often even worse than full-fat alternatives. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com It s the food that matters, not its fat content." When the dietary guidelines began to recommend low-fat diets, the consumption of low-fat and non-fat products increased. These foods often contain refined grains and added sugars that are associated with increased metabolic dysfunction and obesity. "Lifting the restriction on total fat would clear the way for restaurants and industry to reformulate products containing more healthful fats and fewer refined grains and added sugars," says Dr. Ludwig. 2015 Dietary Guidelines For Americans: a critical opportunity Alongside dropping restrictions on total fat consumption from the dietary guidelines, Dr. Mozaffarian and Dr. Ludwig call for the limit on fat intake to be lifted by numerous government agencies and food programs. One such program is the National School Lunch program that recently banned whole milk from its menus while retaining sugar-sweetened non-fat milk. Other targets include the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who regulate food package labeling and issue diet advice to families and children respectively. "From agriculture to food producers to school cafeterias to restaurants, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans serve as a beacon for countless dietary choices in the public and private sector," states Dr. Mozaffarian. "With obesity and chronic disease impacting public health so deeply, we can t miss this critical opportunity to improve the food supply." Not everyone agrees with this viewpoint, however. Lisa Moskovitz, a registered dietitian, told Yahoo Health removing restrictions on total fat consumption might not automatically lead consumers to follow balanced, healthy diets. "If there are no guidelines on how much fat they should be eating, there is a chance that they will eat more fat and, as a result, consume less high-fiber, whole-grain carbohydrates and muscle-preserving lean proteins," she warns. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will refer to the DGAC report when drawing up the final 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are due to be published toward the end of the year. "The USDA and HHS must use the 2015 guidelines to send the message that limiting total fat provides no benefits and actually leads to confusion and bad dietary choices," Dr. Mozaffarian concludes. A research letter published in JAMA recently revealed that more than two-thirds of Americans are estimated to be either overweight or obese. Written by James McIntosh

24 June 2015

Guinea up to 62% of malaria cases 'overlooked during Ebola epidemic'

Rising numbers of malaria deaths in Guinea have "greatly exceeded" the total number of deaths caused by Ebola, a new report finds, which suggests that the Ebola epidemic may have led to 74,000 extra untreated cases of malaria in the country. Around 74,000 fewer malaria cases than were expected were treated at Guinea s health facilities in 2014 - a fall of 62%, in comparison with the years before the Ebola epidemic. The report, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, is the first systematic analysis of the use of outpatient health care in a country affected by the Ebola epidemic. The researchers conducted a cross-sectional survey of 60 public health facilities in the areas of Guinea most affected by Ebola. About Crixivan (Indinavir) with no Rx They found that around 74,000 fewer malaria cases than were expected were treated at Guinea s health facilities in 2014 - a fall of 62%, in comparison with the years before the Ebola epidemic. The consequence of this fall in treatment, write the authors, is that the number of deaths caused by malaria will exceed the total number of Ebola deaths. Buy Sinemet (Carbidopa-Levodopa) The number of deaths from malaria this year in Guinea was reported to be 2,444 as of June 14th, 2015. The authors of the report say the main problem is that the early symptoms of malaria and Ebola are so similar - they both manifest in fever, headaches and body aches. About Diflucan (Fluconazole) without prescription "Malaria is one of the main causes of fever and health facilities visits in Guinea," explains lead author Dr. Buy Altuzan with no Rx Mateusz Plucinski from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "but our data suggest that since the start of the Ebola epidemic people with fevers have avoided clinics for fear of contracting Ebola or being sent to an Ebola treatment center." The report also reveals that outpatient visits among the surveyed health facilities fell by 11%, while outpatient attendance fell by 42% in the most Ebola-affected areas. Decreases in malaria treatment correlated most strongly with third wave of Ebola epidemic Before and after the Ebola crisis, the number of patients receiving oral drugs for malaria fell by 24%, with an accompanying drop of 30% for prescription of injectable malaria treatments. Among the districts of Guinea most badly affected by the third wave of the epidemic in August 2014, decreases in malaria treatment were even greater. About Tegretol (Carbamazepine) with free Rx However, even districts that were unaffected by Ebola saw significant reductions in the number of patients who received treatments for malaria. In terms of active health workers, before the Ebola epidemic hit Guinea, 98% of health workers in the country were actively working. Buy Bronchial online However, this figure fell to just 74% after Ebola, with the percentage of health workers actively treating malaria cases falling to 48% after Ebola. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com By contrast, during the same period, there was an increase from 63% to 96% in health care workers treating malaria cases in Ebola-free districts of Guinea. These regions unaffected by Ebola also saw an increase from 78% to 95% in the proportion of operational community health workers. Dr. Plucinski comments: "Untreated malaria cases lead to rising malaria death rates and more cases of fever in the community. This puts extra pressure on an already overburdened health system owing to a greater number of suspected Ebola cases requiring triage and isolation at treatment centers. Malaria control efforts and care delivery must be kept on track during an Ebola epidemic so that progress made in malaria control is not jeopardized and Ebola outbreak response is not impeded." In December 2014, Medical News Today reported on a warning from the World Health Organization (WHO) that the "fragile" gains in controlling malaria were in danger of being jeopardized in the response to the Ebola crisis. Written by David McNamee

23 June 2015

A new report has revealed that climate change could have catastrophic implications for public health, both directly and indirectly. Cartia Xt (Diltiazem Hcl) with free prescription Fighting climate change, however, represents the greatest global health opportunity of the century. The Commission reports that reducing carbon emissions is good not just for the planet but for global health as well. The report is the work of a major international research project and is published in The Lancet. Co-chair of the Commission, Prof. Trecator-Sc (Ethionamide) with free prescription Anthony Costello, Director of the University College London (UCL) Institute for Global Health in the UK, states that climate change has the potential to reverse the health gains from economic development that have been made in recent decades. "However, our analysis clearly shows that by tackling climate change, we can also benefit health, and tackling climate change in fact represents one of the greatest opportunities to benefit human health for generations to come," he states. The 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change is a multidisciplinary collaboration between academics, scientists, engineers, policy experts and medical scholars from Europe and China, aiming to assess the impact of climate change and potential policy responses. Climate change leads to more intense and frequent extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, flood and droughts that can directly impact on health. Cialis Flavored (Tadalafil) with free Rx However, the Commission believes that the indirect effects of climate change on food security, water and extreme climatic events such as storms are likely to have the biggest impact on global health. Flooding and drought can compromise food production, making the availability of food and water uncertain and potentially leading to malnutrition. The Commission also suggests that vector-borne diseases will expand their reach due to changes in climate conditions allowing for the proliferation of vectors and the movement of people involuntarily from areas affected by climate change. About Alavert with free prescription Air polluting carbon emissions that are behind changes in the climate are associated with certain respiratory diseases. Buy Venlor (Venlafaxine) without Rx But while the Commission reports that climate change has a disastrous effect on global public health, many of the proposed ways to tackle the problem will have positive co-benefits for those helping to reduce emissions as well. An opportunity to improve human health Reducing the global consumption of fossil fuels necessitates various lifestyle changes. Buy Bioflavonoids online Walking and cycling instead of using motor vehicles not only reduces carbon emissions but reduces the prevalence of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and stroke. And in reducing emissions, the prevalence of respiratory diseases caused by airborne pollutants also decreases. Consumption of red meat, whose mass production is harmful to the environment, would also have to be reduced. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com In turn, many diets that are over-reliant on this form of food would become more balanced and, therefore, healthier. In order for the global situation to improve, the Commission proposes an action plan in which an organization is set up that regularly reports on global health, climate change and what progress has been made in reducing emissions and creating sustainable health systems. One of the report s main editors, Maria Nilsson from the Division of Epidemiology and Global Health at Umea University, Sweden, says that a strong international consensus is needed to create a global economy in which carbon emissions are minimized. "This in turn presents an opportunity to improve human health," she adds. "Measures recommended in this report are particularly important for populations in the world s poorest and most vulnerable areas, which are also currently most affected by climate change." Prof. Peng Gong, co-chair of the Commission from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, believes that the health community has come together successfully to tackle similarly grave threats in the past. "It took on entrenched interests such as the tobacco industry and led the fight against HIV/AIDS," he states. "Now is the time for us to lead the way in responding to another great threat to human and environmental health of our generation." The findings of the Commission will be discussed during talks at meetings linked to the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris later this year. Recently, Medical News Today reported on a study finding that global warming is unlikely to reduce the number of cold-related deaths that occur during the winter months. Written by James McIntosh

22 June 2015

Metastatic Ovarian Cancer Therapeutics Pipeline Review, H1 2015 - 8 Companies & 12 Drug Profiles

. Buy Appetite Control for Pets online Buy Suhagra (Sildenafil Citrate) without prescription DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (.researchandmarkets.com/research/fnsss4/metastatic) has announced the addition of the "Metastatic Ovarian Cancer - Pipeline Review, H1 2015" report to their offering. This report provides comprehensive information on the therapeutic development for Metastatic Ovarian Cancer, complete with comparative analysis at various stages, therapeutics assessment by drug target, mechanism of action (MoA), route of administration (RoA) and molecule type, along with latest updates, and featured news and press releases. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com About Acnelyse without prescription Arimidex (Anastrozole) without prescription It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Metastatic Ovarian Cancer and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. The report enhances decision making capabilities and help to create effective counter strategies to gain competitive advantage. Buy Voveran SR (Diclofenac) without Rx About Videx Ec (Didanosine) without Rx It strengthens R&D pipelines by identifying new targets and MOAs to produce first-in-class and best-in-class products. Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development Aura Biosciences, Inc. Eisai Co., Ltd. Immune Design Corp. Innate Pharma SA Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc. Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co., Ltd. VG Life Sciences, Inc. Drug Profiles antigen-presenting dendritic cells (living, autologous) DCVax-Direct Drugs for Cancer Drugs for Metastatic Ovarian Cancer E-7449 G-305 hydroxychloroquine + sorafenib tosylate IPH-2201 LV-305 orteronel SM-276001 Stem Cell Therapy for Oncology For more information visit .researchandmarkets.com/research/fnsss4/metastatic

21 June 2015

Diet that mimics fasting may promote longevity and improve healthspan

A new study published in Cell Metabolism suggests following a calorie-restricted diet that mimics fasting for just 5 days a month for 3 months may promote longevity and reduce a number of risk factors for cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers found participants who followed a fasting-mimicking diet experienced a reduction in risk factors linked to aging, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Study co-author Valter D. Buy Abilify (Aripiprazole) with free Rx Longo, of the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology in Italy and the University of Southern California, and colleagues say the research demonstrates the first anti-aging, healthspan-promoting intervention that doctors could feasibly recommend for patients. Previous research from Longo in June last year suggested prolonged fasting - defined as consuming only water for 2-4 days - can "reboot" the human immune system. Buy Zyvox (Linezolid) That is, fasting can help clear out damaged cells and regenerate new ones. Another study published later that month also found periodic fasting may protect against diabetes among individuals at high risk for the condition. However, Longo and colleagues note that humans find it psychologically challenging to engage in such extreme dieting, and it can also have adverse health effects - particularly for older individuals. "These concerns point to the need for dietary interventions that induce prolonged fasting-like effects while minimizing the risk of adverse effects and the burden of complete food restriction," they note. Fasting diet promoted cell regeneration, extending lifespan in mice To address this need, the researchers developed a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) - a low-protein, low-fat diet high in healthy fats. Buy Proscar (Finasteride) with no prescription By activating markers associated with prolonged fasting, such as low glucose levels and high levels of ketone bodies, the diet was able to simulate the effects of fasting. Firstly, the team tested the diet in middle-aged mice, feeding them the diet for 4 days, twice a month. Buy 3TC pill with no Rx Mice fed the FMD intervention were compared with mice fed a control diet. The team found mice fed the FMD intervention had much higher numbers of stem cells, and they experienced regeneration of an array of other cell types, including bone, muscle, liver, brain and immune cells, compared with mice fed the control diet. In addition, the FMD intervention appeared to extend the lifespan of mice and promote better overall health. Zyvox (Linezolid) without Rx They experienced better learning and memory, lower incidence of cancer and inflammatory diseases and fat loss without a reduction in lean body mass, compared with control mice. Reduction in risk factors for aging, CVD, diabetes and cancer in humans Next, the team tested a similar FMD intervention in a group of 19 generally healthy people aged 18-70. Buy 5-HTP online These participants were required to follow the diet for 5 days a month for 3 months. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com The diet provided them with between 34-54% of their normal caloric intake, as well as 11-14% proteins, 42-43% carbohydrates and 44-46% fat. The 19 participants following the FMD intervention were compared with a group of 18 generally healthy aged-matched individuals who continued to follow their normal diet. Compared with the participants who consumed their standard diet, those who followed the FMD intervention experienced a reduction in risk factors linked to aging, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancer, including lowered blood glucose, reduced markers of inflammation and weight loss. The team notes that only 5% of FMD participants were disqualified from the study for failing to comply with the dietary regime. Longo and colleagues say their findings indicate that following an FMD intervention periodically may promote longevity in humans and protect against risk factors for certain diseases. They add: "Although the clinical results will require confirmation by a larger randomized trial, the effects of FMD cycles on biomarkers/risk factors for aging, cancer, diabetes, and CVD, coupled with the very high compliance to the diet and its safety, indicate that this periodic dietary strategy has high potential to be effective in promoting human healthspan." The team says they are now putting the FMD intervention through a rigorous testing process in order to gain approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use. This involves testing the efficacy of the diet in 60-70 participants, before moving to a clinical trial with 500-1,000 participants. "This is arguably the first non-chronic preclinically and clinically tested anti-aging and healthspan-promoting intervention shown to work and to be very feasible as a doctor or dietitian-supervised intervention," says Longo. The researchers stress that because the effects of the FMD intervention are potent, individuals should only follow such a diet under medical supervision. Written by Honor Whiteman

Diet that mimics fasting may promote longevity and improve healthspan

A new study published in Cell Metabolism suggests following a calorie-restricted diet that mimics fasting for just 5 days a month for 3 months may promote longevity and reduce a number of risk factors for cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers found participants who followed a fasting-mimicking diet experienced a reduction in risk factors linked to aging, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Study co-author Valter D. Buy Abilify (Aripiprazole) with free Rx Longo, of the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology in Italy and the University of Southern California, and colleagues say the research demonstrates the first anti-aging, healthspan-promoting intervention that doctors could feasibly recommend for patients. Previous research from Longo in June last year suggested prolonged fasting - defined as consuming only water for 2-4 days - can "reboot" the human immune system. Buy Zyvox (Linezolid) That is, fasting can help clear out damaged cells and regenerate new ones. Another study published later that month also found periodic fasting may protect against diabetes among individuals at high risk for the condition. However, Longo and colleagues note that humans find it psychologically challenging to engage in such extreme dieting, and it can also have adverse health effects - particularly for older individuals. "These concerns point to the need for dietary interventions that induce prolonged fasting-like effects while minimizing the risk of adverse effects and the burden of complete food restriction," they note. Fasting diet promoted cell regeneration, extending lifespan in mice To address this need, the researchers developed a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) - a low-protein, low-fat diet high in healthy fats. Buy Proscar (Finasteride) with no prescription By activating markers associated with prolonged fasting, such as low glucose levels and high levels of ketone bodies, the diet was able to simulate the effects of fasting. Firstly, the team tested the diet in middle-aged mice, feeding them the diet for 4 days, twice a month. Buy 3TC pill with no Rx Mice fed the FMD intervention were compared with mice fed a control diet. The team found mice fed the FMD intervention had much higher numbers of stem cells, and they experienced regeneration of an array of other cell types, including bone, muscle, liver, brain and immune cells, compared with mice fed the control diet. In addition, the FMD intervention appeared to extend the lifespan of mice and promote better overall health. Zyvox (Linezolid) without Rx They experienced better learning and memory, lower incidence of cancer and inflammatory diseases and fat loss without a reduction in lean body mass, compared with control mice. Reduction in risk factors for aging, CVD, diabetes and cancer in humans Next, the team tested a similar FMD intervention in a group of 19 generally healthy people aged 18-70. Buy 5-HTP online These participants were required to follow the diet for 5 days a month for 3 months. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com The diet provided them with between 34-54% of their normal caloric intake, as well as 11-14% proteins, 42-43% carbohydrates and 44-46% fat. The 19 participants following the FMD intervention were compared with a group of 18 generally healthy aged-matched individuals who continued to follow their normal diet. Compared with the participants who consumed their standard diet, those who followed the FMD intervention experienced a reduction in risk factors linked to aging, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancer, including lowered blood glucose, reduced markers of inflammation and weight loss. The team notes that only 5% of FMD participants were disqualified from the study for failing to comply with the dietary regime. Longo and colleagues say their findings indicate that following an FMD intervention periodically may promote longevity in humans and protect against risk factors for certain diseases. They add: "Although the clinical results will require confirmation by a larger randomized trial, the effects of FMD cycles on biomarkers/risk factors for aging, cancer, diabetes, and CVD, coupled with the very high compliance to the diet and its safety, indicate that this periodic dietary strategy has high potential to be effective in promoting human healthspan." The team says they are now putting the FMD intervention through a rigorous testing process in order to gain approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use. This involves testing the efficacy of the diet in 60-70 participants, before moving to a clinical trial with 500-1,000 participants. "This is arguably the first non-chronic preclinically and clinically tested anti-aging and healthspan-promoting intervention shown to work and to be very feasible as a doctor or dietitian-supervised intervention," says Longo. The researchers stress that because the effects of the FMD intervention are potent, individuals should only follow such a diet under medical supervision. Written by Honor Whiteman

Diet that mimics fasting may promote longevity and improve healthspan

A new study published in Cell Metabolism suggests following a calorie-restricted diet that mimics fasting for just 5 days a month for 3 months may promote longevity and reduce a number of risk factors for cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers found participants who followed a fasting-mimicking diet experienced a reduction in risk factors linked to aging, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Study co-author Valter D. Buy Abilify (Aripiprazole) with free Rx Longo, of the FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology in Italy and the University of Southern California, and colleagues say the research demonstrates the first anti-aging, healthspan-promoting intervention that doctors could feasibly recommend for patients. Previous research from Longo in June last year suggested prolonged fasting - defined as consuming only water for 2-4 days - can "reboot" the human immune system. Buy Zyvox (Linezolid) That is, fasting can help clear out damaged cells and regenerate new ones. Another study published later that month also found periodic fasting may protect against diabetes among individuals at high risk for the condition. However, Longo and colleagues note that humans find it psychologically challenging to engage in such extreme dieting, and it can also have adverse health effects - particularly for older individuals. "These concerns point to the need for dietary interventions that induce prolonged fasting-like effects while minimizing the risk of adverse effects and the burden of complete food restriction," they note. Fasting diet promoted cell regeneration, extending lifespan in mice To address this need, the researchers developed a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) - a low-protein, low-fat diet high in healthy fats. Buy Proscar (Finasteride) with no prescription By activating markers associated with prolonged fasting, such as low glucose levels and high levels of ketone bodies, the diet was able to simulate the effects of fasting. Firstly, the team tested the diet in middle-aged mice, feeding them the diet for 4 days, twice a month. Buy 3TC pill with no Rx Mice fed the FMD intervention were compared with mice fed a control diet. The team found mice fed the FMD intervention had much higher numbers of stem cells, and they experienced regeneration of an array of other cell types, including bone, muscle, liver, brain and immune cells, compared with mice fed the control diet. In addition, the FMD intervention appeared to extend the lifespan of mice and promote better overall health. Zyvox (Linezolid) without Rx They experienced better learning and memory, lower incidence of cancer and inflammatory diseases and fat loss without a reduction in lean body mass, compared with control mice. Reduction in risk factors for aging, CVD, diabetes and cancer in humans Next, the team tested a similar FMD intervention in a group of 19 generally healthy people aged 18-70. Buy 5-HTP online These participants were required to follow the diet for 5 days a month for 3 months. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com The diet provided them with between 34-54% of their normal caloric intake, as well as 11-14% proteins, 42-43% carbohydrates and 44-46% fat. The 19 participants following the FMD intervention were compared with a group of 18 generally healthy aged-matched individuals who continued to follow their normal diet. Compared with the participants who consumed their standard diet, those who followed the FMD intervention experienced a reduction in risk factors linked to aging, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes and cancer, including lowered blood glucose, reduced markers of inflammation and weight loss. The team notes that only 5% of FMD participants were disqualified from the study for failing to comply with the dietary regime. Longo and colleagues say their findings indicate that following an FMD intervention periodically may promote longevity in humans and protect against risk factors for certain diseases. They add: "Although the clinical results will require confirmation by a larger randomized trial, the effects of FMD cycles on biomarkers/risk factors for aging, cancer, diabetes, and CVD, coupled with the very high compliance to the diet and its safety, indicate that this periodic dietary strategy has high potential to be effective in promoting human healthspan." The team says they are now putting the FMD intervention through a rigorous testing process in order to gain approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for clinical use. This involves testing the efficacy of the diet in 60-70 participants, before moving to a clinical trial with 500-1,000 participants. "This is arguably the first non-chronic preclinically and clinically tested anti-aging and healthspan-promoting intervention shown to work and to be very feasible as a doctor or dietitian-supervised intervention," says Longo. The researchers stress that because the effects of the FMD intervention are potent, individuals should only follow such a diet under medical supervision. Written by Honor Whiteman

Parkinson's 'a risk factor for most cancers in Taiwan'

. Zyvox (Linezolid) without Rx study of more than 60,000 people in Taiwan who had been diagnosed with Parkinson s disease has identified a link between the neurodegenerative brain disorder and 16 different types of cancer, including lung cancer, cervical cancer and leukemia. In Taiwan, researchers found patients with Parkinson s disease may be at greater risk of 16 different types of cancer. According to the research team - including Dr. Buy 5-HTP online Pan-Chyr Yang, of the National Taiwan University College of Medicine in Taipei - more than 25 epidemiological studies have investigated the link between Parkinson s disease and cancer over the past 50 years. While the majority of these studies have found a reduced risk of cancer among patients with Parkinson s disease, some studies have identified an increased risk of certain cancers among patients with the brain disorder, making the studies conflicting. What is more, Dr. http://asthmareview.wordpress.com Yang and colleagues note that most of these studies were conducted in Western populations, with very few including East Asian populations. As such, the team decided to investigate the association between Parkinson s disease and cancer among a Taiwanese population. They publish their findings in JAMA Oncology. Parkinson s patients in their 50s at greatest cancer risk The researchers used the Taiwan National Health Insurance Database to identify 62,023 patients who had been diagnosed with Parkinson s disease between 2004 and 2010, alongside 124,046 individuals without Parkinson s. All patients were followed until 31st December 2012 or until one of the following occurred: a cancer diagnosis, withdrawal from the Database, loss to follow-up or death. Compared with participants free of Parkinson s, those with the condition were found to be at greater risk of 16 cancers, including brain, lung, colorectal, kidney, prostate and cervical cancers, as well as lymphoma/leukemia and skin cancers - including melanoma.

Buy Zyvox (Linezolid) The highest risk of cancer was found among Parkinson s patients aged 50-59. However, Parkinson s disease was not associated with increased risk of breast, ovarian or thyroid cancers. Based on these findings, the authors "conclude that Parkinson s disease is a risk factor for most cancers in Taiwan," noting that further studies are warranted to determine whether their results may apply to other populations in East Asia. The authors add: "The striking differences between our study and the previous studies in Western cohorts suggest the importance of ethnicity and environmental exposures in disease pathogenesis." Though they are unable to explain why Parkinson s appears to be linked to greater risk of cancer in the Taiwanese population, they state that one explanation could be mutations in the PARK2 gene, explaining that mutations in these genes have been linked to both cancer and early-onset Parkinson s. They point out, however, that further research is warranted to determine the exact mechanisms underlying the relationship between Parkinson s and increased cancer risk. The team says there are some limitations to their study. Buy Proscar (Finasteride) with no prescription For example, incidence of Parkinson s disease was identified through medical records, so it may have been underestimated. Buy 3TC pill with no Rx The researchers were also unable to identify the smoking status of participants - a factor that may have influenced cancer incidence. Earlier this week, Medical News Today reported on a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, in which researchers estimated that almost half of all deaths from 12 cancers are caused by smoking. Written by Honor Whiteman

20 June 2015

Epizyme Announces Additional Positive Data from Ongoing Phase 1 Study of Tazemetostat (EPZ-6438) in Relapsed or Refractory Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

LUGANO, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Epizyme, Inc. (NASDAQ: EPZM), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company creating novel epigenetic therapeutics for cancer patients, today reported results from the ongoing phase 1 trial of tazemetostat (EPZ-6438), a first-in-class EZH2 inhibitor, showing meaningful clinical activity when used as an oral monotherapy in patients with advanced B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) and solid tumors. In NHL, treatment with tazemetostat continues to demonstrate an encouraging profile with nine of 15 evaluable NHL patients achieving an objective response, including a partial response in the first treated patient with an EZH2 tumor mutation. Buy Zyvox (Linezolid) The data, which include patients from the dose escalation and dose expansion cohorts of the phase 1 study, as well as a food effects sub-study, were presented today by Vincent Ribrag, M.D., Institut Gustave Roussy, at the 13th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma. “The breadth, depth and durability of responses seen in NHL patients among multiple histologies continue to impress, as does the safety and tolerability of tazemetostat in this phase 1 study,” said Dr. Buy Proscar (Finasteride) with no prescription Ribrag. Buy 3TC pill with no Rx “Among the patients in the dose escalation cohorts, we have seen a noteworthy deepening of responses over time, and in the first treated patient with an EZH2 tumor mutation, we have seen a partial response, which is very encouraging.” Summary Results As of June 8, 2015, the following clinical data were observed: Nine of 15 evaluable NHL patients have achieved an objective response, including two patients with an ongoing complete response (CR). Five of nine evaluable diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients achieved an objective response. Zyvox (Linezolid) without Rx One patient with a CR remains on study at 18 months of treatment. Three of five evaluable patients with follicular lymphoma achieved an objective response. Buy 5-HTP online One patient with a CR remains on study at 13 months, and one patient with a PR remains on study at 13 months. One patient with a marginal zone lymphoma achieved a partial response and continues on study at 11 months. All treatment responses were observed between two and 10 months on therapy. One of 14 patients evaluated for EZH2 status possesses a specific EZH2 tumor mutation (Y646H). http://asthmareview.wordpress.com This patient, who had relapsed or been refractory to six previous treatment regimens, achieved a partial response after 16 weeks of therapy and remains on study. The majority of adverse events were grade 1 or grade 2 within the evaluable for safety population of 45 patients with NHL and solid tumors.

The most common adverse events regardless of attribution were asthenia, anorexia, anemia, dyspnea and nausea. Five grade 3 or greater treatment-related adverse events were observed including one each of: grade 3 anorexia, grade 3 hypertension, grade 3 transaminase elevation, grade 4 thrombocytopenia, and grade 4 neutropenia. “These results highlight the therapeutic potential of tazemetostat in NHL, with a number of patients achieving durable remissions with time on treatment at or beyond one year,” said Peter Ho, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Development Officer, Epizyme. “We look forward to exploring further the clinical utility of tazemetostat in NHL in a robust phase 2 development program.” The NHL patients enrolled on study were heavily pre-treated, with 85 percent of patients having received three or more prior therapies and 37 percent of patients having received more than five or more prior therapies. Thirty-seven percent of patients were refractory to their last prior regimen and 26 percent of patients had received a prior autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Drug pharmacokinetics showed rapid absorption with a mean terminal half-life of three to five hours. Cmax and AUC1-12hr were dose proportional at steady-state throughout the dosing range. Steady-state Ctrough levels were reached by day 15. The company plans to report a further update from the phase 1 trial by the end of 2015. Study Design This open-label, multi-center, phase 1 study is investigating tazemetostat as monotherapy in patients with relapsed or refractory B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphomas or advanced solid tumors. The study objectives include identification of the recommended phase 2 dose or maximum tolerated dose, safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and preliminary evaluation of anti-tumor activity. Five cohorts were studied in the dose escalation phase: 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg, 800 mg and 1600 mg; and two cohorts, 800 mg and 1600 mg, were evaluated in the dose expansion phase. All doses were given twice daily. Expanded Tazemetostat Phase 2 Plans Epizyme is now enrolling patients in an international five-arm, multi-center, phase 2 study during the second quarter of 2015 that will assess the safety and efficacy of tazemetostat in patients with relapsed or refractory NHL, stratified by cell of origin and EZH2 mutation status. A second planned phase 2 trial of tazemetostat in adult patients with INI1-deficient solid tumors is expected to begin later in 2015. Patients in both studies will be treated with the recommended phase 2 dose of 800 mg twice daily. A phase 1 study in pediatric patients with INI1-deficient solid tumors is also expected to start later in 2015. In addition to these previously announced studies, the company plans to initiate additional trials of tazemetostat, including: A combination study of tazemetostat with R-CHOP in patients with DLBCL. R-CHOP, which represents current first-line treatment for patients with DLBCL, is comprised of rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone. A combination study of tazemetostat with a B-cell signaling agent or other emerging targeted therapies for B-cell lymphomas. “Conducting combination studies in B-cell lymphoma will further elucidate the clinical potential of tazemetostat,” said Dr. Ho. “Scientists here at Epizyme have demonstrated pre-clinical synergy with both current standard-of-care therapeutics and emerging investigational agents, and we believe that tazemetostat has a safety and tolerability profile that will lend itself well to combination regimens.” About EZH2 in Cancer EZH2 is a histone methyltransferase (HMT) that is increasingly understood to play a potentially oncogenic role in a number of cancers. These include non-Hodgkin lymphomas, INI1-deficient cancers such as malignant rhabdoid tumors, epithelioid sarcomas and synovial sarcoma; and a range of other solid tumors. About Tazemetostat Epizyme is developing tazemetostat for the treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients and patients with INI1-deficient solid tumors. Tazemetostat is a first-in-class small molecule inhibitor of EZH2 created by Epizyme using its proprietary product platform. In many human cancers, aberrant EZH2 enzyme activity results in misregulation of genes that control cell proliferation resulting in the rapid and unconstrained growth of tumor cells. Tazemetostat is the WHO International Non-Proprietary Name (INN) for EPZ-6438. Tazemetostat is the second HMT inhibitor to enter human clinical development (following Epizyme s DOT1L inhibitor, pinometostat, also known as EPZ-5676). Additional information about this program, including clinical trial information, may be found here: clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01897571 Conference Call Information Epizyme will host a conference call and live audio webcast with slides on Monday, June 22, 2015, at 8:00 a.m. ET to discuss results from the phase 1 study. To participate in the conference call, please dial 1-877-844-6886 (domestic) or 1-970-315-0315 (international) and refer to conference ID 64265218. The live webcast can be accessed under “Events and Presentations” in the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website at .epizyme.com. Slides will be available on the Company’s website prior to the conference call. About Epizyme, Inc. Epizyme, Inc. is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company creating novel epigenetic therapeutics for cancer patients. Epizyme has built a proprietary product platform that the Company uses to create small molecule inhibitors of a 96-member class of enzymes known as histone methyltransferases, or HMTs. HMTs are part of the system of gene regulation, referred to as epigenetics, that controls gene expression. Genetic alterations can result in changes to the activity of HMTs, making them oncogenic (cancer-causing). By focusing on the genetic drivers of cancers, Epizyme s targeted science seeks to match the right medicines with the right patients. For more information, visit .epizyme.com and connect with us on Twitter at @EpizymeRx. Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements Any statements in this press release about future expectations, plans and prospects for Epizyme, Inc. and other statements containing the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "plan," "predict," "project," "target," "potential," "will," "would," "could," "should," "continue," and similar expressions, constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements as a result of various important factors, including: uncertainties inherent in the initiation of future clinical studies or expansion of ongoing clinical studies; availability and timing of data from ongoing clinical studies; whether interim results from a clinical trial such as the results referred to in this release will be predictive of the final results of the trial or the results of future trials; expectations for regulatory approvals to conduct trials or to market products; development progress of the Company’s companion diagnostics, availability of funding sufficient for the Company’s foreseeable and unforeseeable operating expenses and capital expenditure requirements; other matters that could affect the availability or commercial potential of the Company’s therapeutic candidates or companion diagnostics; and other factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the company’s Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on April 28, 2015, and in our other filings from time to time with the SEC. In addition, the forward-looking statements included in this press release represent the Company s views as of the date hereof. The Company anticipates that subsequent events and developments will cause the Company s views to change. However, while the Company may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company s views as of any date subsequent to the date hereof.